The Marina Office is about 1km away from the Marina.
You follow the street out the Marina area. When you pass by the security gate, turn right at the next junction. You turn right again when you reach the main road. The Marina office is in the last shophouse (see Picture above) on the first floor.
To enter the shophouse, you have to ring
the bell (see Picture on the right) and the
door will be electronically unlocked. You
follow the stairs up to first level and you
have reached Marina office.
Marina Office:
Miri Marina
Lot 271-272, Brighton Center
Jln Ternenggong Datuk Oyong Lawai Jau
98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia
Tel: +60 (0)85 423 033
Fax: +60 (0)85 417 249
Office Hours:
Monday to Friday 8.00am – 12.30pm, 1.30pm – 5.15pm
Closed on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays.
No reservation.